Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Promising Practies Workshops

Workshop #1: Rhode Island Peer Recovery Specialists
This workshop was so useful for me in my future endeavors.  The workshop was based around a new and upcoming program called Peer Recovery
Specialists or
PRS. What this means, is that the program aims to use recovering alcoholics, drug addicts, or anyone that has been in a situation where they felt hopeless, and use these people who have made it, as a coach for people who are currently going through those situations.  We were introduced to many people who at one point in their life didn't want to live anymore, and are now helping those that are in that exact position.  This peer relation is truly effective, because that person that feels depressed or like they are worthless can relate to someone who has been in their exact shoes and has made it.
I personally want to work with juvenile delinquents (not that I like using that label because I don't, I'd rather say diamonds in the rough), and I feel like this would be a great tool to use.  To have men and women who were in and out of jail their whole lives, but they found that light at the end of the tunnel, and give the children guidance and hope that they will too one day make it.  I also believe this program is amazing because it not only helps people become a "better" (or newer as I'd like to say) version of themselves, but provides job opportunities to those who would not be offered any because of their records.
This workshop would be greatly appreciated by August, because you are creating a safe space for that drug addict, or alcoholic because they are not feeling judged by anyone.  This space you create with the peer specialists allows for a successful environment because that person feels equal to their counselor, and truly feels like they know where they are coming from and can understand their position.  This space will allow for more growth and August would say this is why the program is so successful because you are creating an environment where everyone feels equal and understood, so it provides great room for growth and prosperity. I also believe this is relatable to Collier because it might not be a first culture you are horning in this type of counseling, but a lifestyle.  And this type lifestyle to these people becomes their culture because it is all they know. So having someone who directly came from that lifestyle is honoring where that drug addict or alcoholic is coming from and creating that sense of understanding.   
 Workshop #2: How Are We Helping Our Own?
This workshop was also helpful for my future career.  This workshop was almost all about how we help the "helpers" in our society.  This workshop introduced many different programs across the east coast that are set out to help social workers, physicians, nurses, etc. with drug and alcohol problems that are brought on by the traumatizing situations that these people face everyday at work.  Everyone forgets that even though these people help others for a living, most of them need help themselves.  This workshop explained the minimal amount of programs out there to help these professionals, and to bring awareness to this issue.  Many professionals that base their work around helping others become very prone to hurting themselves in the process.  Many physicians and social workers form alcohol and drug abuse problems, and many psychological issues.  It takes a lot of guts as a professional to get help, so there should be readily available programs for when they do reach out, and in this workshop this was a big problem. 
Me being someone who is going into a field similar to social working, I want to be safe knowing that there are programs out there that myself, or one of my colleagues can turn to if they need help.  It was shocking to me that this was not a readily available service, and somewhat upsets me because these "helpers" save many lives, and are having a hard time saving their own.  This workshop was very useful and interesting, and a good way to get that concern out there so those who need the help know it is out there.       
I believe Delpit would greatly agree with what this workshops main goal is.  Which is to explicitly tell these professionals that there is help for them out there before they get their licenses and careers taken from them.  If they are explicitly told that these programs exist, than these professionals can reach help and gain that power of being able to still work and not have to loose their careers. 

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