Thursday, October 27, 2016

Nakkula & Toshalis: Context Mapping

What is Context Mapping?

Context Mapping is a concept introduced to me by Nakkula & Toshalis in the reading Identity In Context, 2010. In the short story, the counselor Mitch requests that his youth, Julian, creates a context map. Mitch is asking Julian to write down all the various spaces, and relationships with (and) within those spaces that he comes in contact with each day.  This is because those spaces, and relationships inside them will provide information on who Julian is, and how these experiences have shaped him to be that way.

Here is my Context Map 

I personally weigh heavy on the nurture side in the whole nature vs. nurture debate.  I agree with Erikson and the ways in which he believes a persons identity is formed.  I believe that context tell a lot.  If someone is growing up in a low income home where food is not hot and ready on the dinner table every night, then why wouldn't that person steal for food?? I mean yes, they are committing a crime, but look at the context of where that person is, and the spaces and relationships that they face everyday. I truly believe there is a reason, and environmental influence for all behaviors and identities.  We as humans respond to what is around us.  Our identities and self are constructed by our experiences of what the feel, see, touch, taste, and so on. This is also known as coauthoring; when others and environments help shape your own identity.  Experiences with individuals and spaces creates the "person in personality" (Nakkula & Toshalis, 2010). 

In Erikson's model there are four different stages our identity can experience.These stages can go in any order and repeat in anyway. 

1.Achieved Identity:When a person has experienced crisis and has committed and accepted that crisis and is happy within this context.  The crisis is not something that individual can't handle, it actually is something they enjoy and are committed to.  Have found what makes them, them.
2. Foreclosed Identity: This stage is when an individuals identity is chosen for them almost.  The individual is pressured into committing to something that they've never experienced or had any form of crisis in. It is like when a child takes over a family business, they are committed before they can even experience that context to see if it fits their identity. 
3. Moratorium: Moratorium stage is when an individuals identity has experienced a context with crisis and no commitment.  In this stage an individual faces certain roles, beliefs, behaviors, and relationships where they hesitate from committing to.
4. Diffuse Identity: This stage of identity is when an individual is hesitant from experiencing any crisis or commitment. This is when someone is anxious, or feels anxiety towards experiencing new crisis and committing to one thing.  this individual is always changing and trying to fit the immediate context they are in, instead of actively exploring and committing to a particular identity. 


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Ideology Horoscope

  Ideology Horoscope 

I always believe in horoscopes; there is something about the way in which they describe life events, feelings, possibilities, even characteristics, that I feel I can connect to. As I assume everyone else who believes in them does so too.  This Ideology Horoscope is one that I feel hit the nail on the head.  Prior to finding the results of the test and seeing which ideology I was, I had pre-assumptions of what I might be.  I assumed I would be in a category that involves empowering youth, and the concept of leading with.  I intern now at Youth In Action and this is one of their many beliefs about youth.  The key to me is to work with youth, empower them to be leaders so they can reach out to their communities and possibly beyond to make positive social change.  I do not believe in just giving youth the skills and abilities to just function in society and blend in.  I want to empower youth to be different, think outside the box, be bold, be confident, shoot for the stars, be the change the world needs, and most of all spread love and compassion.

So after adding up all my scores, I saw what boxes I fit into on the ideology horoscope.  I was exactly half and half with positive youth development, and critical youth development

       I was not surprised by this.  Those two rows encompass who I am as a youth worker, and how I see youth, families, and communities in the world.  I truly believe in growth, and working with a strengths base theory.  Everyone has a strength and can accomplish something, and giving someone confidence and power to know that, in my opinion, is the best thing you can do for an individual, and community.  I feel as though those two rows also represent what my internship, YIA, is functioning for.